
类别:资讯动态_热门资讯   时间:2024/4/12 15:51:54   点击:124   标签:台独 解放军 行径 国防部 吴谦 美军 当局 中方 双语 军事

4月12日下午,国防部新闻局局长、国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校就近期涉军问题发布消息。记者:据报道,台海军司令近日窜访位于夏威夷的美军印太总部,并出席美军有关活动。有评论称,此访是美落实“联合岛屿防御概念”的组成部分,旨在同台当局协调,在“第一岛链”内对抗中国军事力量。请问对此有何评论?Question: It is reported that Taiwan’s Naval Chief recently visited the headquarters of US Indo-Pacific Command in Hawaii and attended relevant events of the US military. Some sources said that this visit is part of the US efforts to implement the “Joint Island Defense Concept”. Its aim is to coordinate with the Taiwan authorities to counter China’s armed forces within the “first island chain”. Could you please comment on that?吴谦:中方坚决反对美国与中国台湾地区开展任…
